
Uyen Pham

About Me

Who Am I?

My name is Uyen Pham. A rising junior in Advertising with a minor in Business at the University of Georgia (Go Dawg!). As for right now, I am pursuing the New Media certificate and loving this journey so far!

New Media Institute

The Beginning of my New Media Journey

Going through 22 years of life, I have made many crucial decisions. Besides the "early-life" types that are a bit clumsy, or some reckless choices to regret for a long time, there are also the calm, thoughtful judgments that have levered my life to a better stage. That is to say, deciding to pursue the "New Media Certificate" is among the wisest decisions.
Indeed, the path to get that prestigious certificate is both challenging and rewarding. First, the "Intro to New Media" course provides necessary knowledge about the new era of "communication" and its continuously emerging state from time to time. It is an indispensable step that paves my way through another important chapter in the New Media book - "New Media Production." The immense useful knowledge and hands-on experience in front-end web development from the course are evidenced by the lively projects as the sweet result from a short summer month. Though there is still a long way to go, I am passionate to walk on this journey and can't wait to experience many wonderful things from the rest of the track!

Web Development
Digital Storytelling
Graphic Design
